Sunday, July 20, 2014

Nancy Drew The Deadly Device System Requirements

Nancy Drew The Deadly Device System Requirements

(Publisher: Her Interactive | Developer: Her Interactive | Genre: Adventure)

Fear lingers in a remote laboratory after a physicist’s suspicious demise. A police investigation resulted in nothing except a case as cold as the secretive personalities and steel walls that enshroud a top-secret Tesla-inspired facility. That’s why the lab owner asked you, as Detective Nancy Drew, to expose the terrifying truth about The Deadly Device!

√ Discover true facts about this unsung and eccentric physicist and inventor
√ Interrogate coworkers as you examine multiple motives
√ Talk, walk and unlock your way into secret places
√ Snoop or get the scoop from employees on day and night shifts
√ Play at Amateur or Master Sleuth level and erase mistakes without starting over

Minimum System Requirements:
√ 1.5 GHZ or greater Pentium 4 CPU or equivalent class
√ 512 MB of RAM
√ 3 GB or more hard drive space
√ 128 MB DirectX 9.0 compatible video card
√ 16 bit DirectX compatible sound card
√ 4x DVD drive
√ Mouse and speakers


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